Tom Drivas on Appia’s high grade critical materials (rare earths, uranium) and MP Materials


“Alces Lake, Appia’s project which is located in northern Saskatchewan, has a number of surface and near surface zones with very unusual mineralization. There is upto 85% monazite right on the surface and upto 50% total weight percent rare earths. It is unique. It is high grade and it has the right mineralogy. All of the rare earths are contained in one mineral which is monazite, in the right province, in the right area and very close to pilot plant processing facilities…What we are working and like to see next is come up with our first resource and follow up with a PEA and prove to the market that we have an economically viable project.” States Tom Drivas, CEO, President and Director of Appia Energy Corp. (CSE: API | OTCQB: APAAF), in an interview with InvestorIntel’s Tracy Weslosky.

Tom went on to say that Appia’s has both rare earths and uranium assets and the company is on track with its exploration and drilling programs. He also said that MP Materials’ listing on NYSE will be very good for the rare earths industry and it will bring a lot of attention to Appia Energy. Appia’s market cap is less 1% of that of MP Materials but Appia has a similar project in Canada the initial grades of which look much better than MP Materials’ rare earths grade.

To access the complete interview, click here

Disclaimer: Appia Energy Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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