Mark Billings of Auxico Resources Canada on Completing Its Second Trade of Rare Earths Ore

In this InvestorIntel interview with host Tracy Weslosky, Auxico Resources Canada Inc.’s (CSE: AUAG) President Mark Billings discusses its announcement of the company’s second trade of rare earths ore (monazite sands) from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and plans for future additional trades.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to access, Mark says that “we’ve completed two trades over the last couple of months for about 300 metric tons of rare earth concentrates and are looking to continue that.” He goes on to say that “we’re looking to do another trade very shortly for another 250 to 300 metric tons, and our goal is to ramp that up to 500 to eventually a thousand metric tons per month from the DRC.”

Mark tells Tracy that one of Auxico’s advantages is that its rare earths elements are contained in monzanite surface sands instead of hard rock, and that it is able to use an ultrasound extraction process that is “all done at atmospheric temperature and pressure, and we’re able to separate the ore into its component parts in a much quicker, cost effective and environmentally friendly way.” He says that Auxico’s ability to separate out the thorium and their unique extraction process are defining features of the company.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About Auxico Resources Canada Inc.

Auxico Resources Canada Inc. (“Auxico” or the “Company”) is a Canadian company that was founded in 2014 and based in Montreal. Auxico is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To learn more about Auxico Resources Canada Inc., click here

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One response

  1. ygeisj Avatar

    There is currently only one rare earth mine in operation in the United States, and several others are a decade away from production, and the mined rare earths are sent to China for processing. Even with dramatic changes to the rare earth supply chain, the U.S. is at least a decade away from becoming self-sufficient.

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