Avalon Advanced Materials Don Bubar on the Acceleration of the Separation Rapids Lithium Project

In this InvestorIntel interview with host Tracy Weslosky, Avalon Advanced Materials Inc.‘s (TSX: AVL | OTCQB: AVLNF) President, CEO and Director Don Bubar talks about their lithium extraction technology and about securing a $3M convertible security funding to accelerate Separation Rapids Lithium Project.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to access InvestorChannel.com), Don starts, “We’ve been in this space for 25 years…while 25 years ago was a bit early for battery materials, we knew it would have a day and that day has finally come.” Don also provides an update on reactivating Avalon’s East Kemptville Tin Project which “was the only ever primary tin producer in North American history.” Emphasizing how tin has emerged as a very important technology metal due to its growing usage in many technology applications, Don talks about Avalon creating a new supply.

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About Avalon Advanced Materials Inc.

Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. is a Canadian mineral development company specializing in sustainably-produced materials for clean technology. The Company now has four advanced stage projects, providing investors with exposure to lithium, tin and indium, as well as rare earth elements, tantalum, cesium and zirconium. Avalon is currently focusing on developing its Separation Rapids Lithium Project near Kenora, Ontario while continuing to advance other projects, including its 100%-owned Lilypad Cesium-Tantalum-Lithium Project located near Fort Hope, Ontario. Social responsibility and environmental stewardship are corporate cornerstones.

To learn more about Avalon Advanced Materials Inc., click here

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