Jim Payne of dynaCERT Explains Carbon Emission Reduction Technology in the Mining Industry


In this InvestorIntel interview during PDAC 2023, Chris Thompson talks to Jim Payne President, CEO, and Director of dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA | OTCQX: DYFSF) about the use of its Carbon Emission Reduction Technology (“CERT”) in the Mining Industry.

Jim explains that the company’s technology enhances the burn of an internal combustion engine and initially focused on diesel engines in transport trucks. However, the mining industry is now dynaCERT’s largest market, and the company is seeing phenomenal results with its technology, improving fuel economy by 10-15% and reducing toxic gas emissions by over 50%, particularly NOx emissions, which are reduced by up to 88%.

Finally, he discusses how dynaCERT’s technology is unique, producing hydrogen on demand from water through a patented electrolysis system that determines the proper flow rate of gas to maximize the burn and reduce emissions. dynaCERT’s tracks the fuel economy and reduction in greenhouse gases with its proprietary HydraLytica Telematics and converts it into carbon credits, which is a big part of the company’s future.

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About dynaCERT Inc.

dynaCERT Inc. manufactures and distributes Carbon Emission Reduction Technology along with its proprietary HydraLytica™ Telematics, a means of monitoring fuel consumption and calculating GHG emissions savings designed for the tracking of possible future Carbon Credits for use with internal combustion engines. As part of the growing global hydrogen economy, our patented technology creates hydrogen and oxygen on-demand through a unique electrolysis system and supplies these gases through the air intake to enhance combustion, which has been shown to lower carbon emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Our technology is designed for use with many types and sizes of diesel engines used in on-road vehicles, reefer trailers, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry equipment.

To learn more about dynaCERT Inc., click here.

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